Webkinz Pizza Palace

  1. Webkinz Pizza Palace Cheats
  2. Webkinz Pizza Palace Hacks
  3. Webkinz Pizza Palace Guide
  4. Webkinz Pizza Palace App

Webkinz World; Table of Contents; Gameplay. Adopting your Webkinz; Walkthrough. Care for your Webkinz; Appendices. The Clubhouse; Minigames. Pizza Palace; Smoothie's Moves; Get Eleven Solitair; Ant Mania: Picnic 2; Bananza; Booger gets an A; Bounce n Burst; Candy Bash; Candy Bash 2:Viva Poncho; Cash Cow; Cash Cow 2; Colour Storm; Go-Go Googles. Pizza Palace is a time management game featured in the Webkinz World arcade. The player takes on the role of a pizzeria owner (Berry) who must successfully serve orders to her customers and make enough money to keep her restaurant open.

If you love playing Webkinz World like I do then you probably have some trouble gaining enough Kinzcash to get all the items you want to decorate your Webkinz home and play dress-up with. Certain games are, thankfully, great for gaining Kinzcash quickly. Webkinz Pizza Palace is one such game. Just a short round with this game can net you hundreds of Kinzcash in one sitting. Use these Webkinz Pizza Palace tips to get the most bang for your buck.

Go Through Training

Do the training introduction – Level 1 – even if you have played the game a hundred times. This first level is worth 55 extra cash for your pizza shop, which puts you a little closer to some of the items you’ll need.

Remember what Pizza Sizes to Make

On Level 2 all of the pizza are quarter pizzas. You can make these in advance and have them ready each time a customer shows up. Just go pick up the already made quarter pizza, put the topping on and cook it. On Level 3 you will be presented with quarter pizza first and then a half. Set the half to make while you are preparing the quarter pizza, even if you don’t have the order for the half pizza in yet. On Level 6 be ready for a full-sized cheese pizza in the middle of the orders. You need room in the oven to get this one cooked. Level 11 presents a full pizza with two toppings in the middle of your orders.

Upgrade Your Shoes

You can’t win at Webkinz Pizza Palace if you’re going slow. This is why you need to upgrade your shoes early and often. At the end of Level 2 purchase new shoes. Do so again at the end of Level 7. Moving and working quickly is one of the most important Webkinz Pizza Palace tips you can take with you.

Upgrade the Oven

You can’t make pizza without an oven or two, even in Webkinz Pizza Palace. At the end of Level 4 upgrade the oven. Buy a second one at the end of Level 6. The extra oven and sped up cooking time will help you get those whole pizzas out faster.

Upgrade the Pizza Topper.

You need to top the pizza’s faster next; it doesn’t help to cook them faster if you can’t top them quickly. Upgrade the pizza topper at the end of Level 6. Upgrade it again at the end of Level 8. This will be necessary when you get orders requiring more than one topping.

PalaceWebkinz Pizza PalaceWebkinzPalace

Using these Webkinz Pizza Palace tips will get you to higher levels faster and with more satisfied customers. This means more Kinzcash for your Webkinz pets.

Way to Play

The best way to play Pizza Palace is by playing with the order patterns on the screen beside the game. Above is a screenshot of my screen while playing. This way, you can see the level patterns while playing and know what pizzas to make ahead of time. However, if you are playing on the Desktop app you can only play in full screen mode, but you can pull up the level patterns on your phone instead.
Tip: Don't skip the tutorial. The extra cash is useful later on for upgrading appliances.

Webkinz Pizza Palace Cheats

Webkinz Pizza Palace Hacks

Prior to level 13, you should upgrade your topping machines and everything else except your last oven and pizza maker. It it useful to have three upgraded topping machines for level 13 rather than pizza makers, since it is the quarter pizza level and quarter pizzas take very little time to make.

Webkinz Pizza Palace Guide

By level 14, you should be able to upgrade all of your appliances.

Webkinz Pizza Palace App

I hope this helps! Good luck!