I cannot move my book from Personal Document to Books - there is no such option in Kindle App. There is no such option on Amazon's 'Manage Your Kindle' site too. There is no option to export all highlights. Kindle app has option to share a highlight via Facebook or Twitter, but there is no option for copy or export it. Nov 20, 2013 Export from Kindle notes and create a notecard that includes the location numbers. You can either publish the notecard in Evernote to the web, or you can share the notecard (if they have it on their PC’s) Make sure they have a copy of the book on their PC and the Kindle App.

Kindle App Export Notes Free
Clippings.io is the easy way to organise your Kindle highlights. Spend less time note taking and more time enjoying the things you've read.
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The easy way to export your Kindle Highlights
Whether you are a student, author, academic or casual reader clippings.io provides all of the functionality you'll need to manage the highlights you make on your Kindle.
Import your Kindle Highlights
Import your Kindle highlights using the chrome extension or by uploading your 'my clippings.txt' file on the Kindle device via the import page .

Export your Kindle Highlights
Export your Kindle Highlights to your favorite integrations or download them in multiple formats.

Organise your Kindle Highlights
Organise and edit all your Kindle highlights using the powerful Kindle highlights editor.
Export Yahoo Notes
Clippings.io will export your Kindle notes and highlights in usable, searchable form — and then plug them directly into Evernote, so they're available whenever you need them, and sortable in every way you might imagine. The difference here is profound: My Kindle highlights have gone from being available if I can remember what book they're in to discoverable if I can simply remember any word from the highlight.