Earl Nightingale Checklist Pdf

Earl Nightingale’s 17-year quest for the secret of success ended one night in 1950, when he came across a sentence in a book. To Nightingale, it was more than a string of words on a page—it. Many years ago, Earl Nightingale said, “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” That was the best definition of success I’ve ever come across. So, let’s talk about how YOU can realize your worthy ideal. And how you can keep achieving your ideals or goals, one after another, in the years ahead.

  • Earl Nightingale. “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”. “Your world is a living expression of how you are using and have used your mind.”.
  • Earl Nightingale Checklist Pdf. Earl Nightingale (March 12, 1921 – March 25, 1989) was an American radio speaker and author, dealing mostly with the subjects of human character development, motivation, and meaningful existence. 1 He was the voice during the early 1950s of Sky King, the hero of a radio adventure series, and was a WGN radio.
Earl nightingale checklist pdf templateEarl Nightingale Checklist Pdf

If one Google searches “What is the key to success?” different answers would be given to you. Albert Einstein says it’s happiness, others say it’s the preparation, and even others say it’s risk-taking. These different answers exist because success is defined differently by every person, therefore every person comes up with a different strategy and key in achieving this success. But, if there’s one thing common among all these strategies, it’s having the can-do mindset. No one will ever find the will and courage to take the steps toward success, if not for their mindset telling them that they can do it and that the risk is worth it. Having or developing this kind of mindset can be a challenge but it’s not impossible. One thing that can help people in changing and transforming their mindset to achieve success is reading books that talk about the same topic. So, here are five books that talk about the power of changing one’s mindset.

1. Outliers: The Story of Success

Outliers the story of success by Malcolm Gladwell, revolves around the question, what makes high achievers different?

The book answers this question and uncovers the secrets of software billionaires and how they became so successful. He covers the software billionaires and people from various strata of society like successful soccer players, Asians who have made it big, and even the Beatles.

Thus, if you want a glimpse into the world of success, this is a book that you cannot miss.

2. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

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Mindset: the new psychology of success, is the work of a world-renowned psychologist, Carol Dweck. She dwells on the power of the mindset and how it can help you become successful.

In this book, she highlights how your mindset can easily influence the odds of your success in the world of education, work, sports, and career.

She helps the reader understand how a fixed mindset decreases your odds of success and how cultivating the right mindset can help you succeed.

If you’re struggling with limiting beliefs, this book can certainly open up a whole host of opportunities for you.

3. The Outward Mindset: Seeing Beyond Ourselves

The Outward Mindset covers the latest research by the Arbinger Institute. The book highlights how individuals can change their mindsets to achieve their goals. The outward mindset that the book emphasizes helps you increase accountability, engage better, and flourish in every aspect of your life. It helps you understand how your actions can push you towards acting in this mindset or take you away from it.

The book backs up every statement, which it makes with solid research. That is why; if you want a book based on a solid foundation, this one can help you out. It is suitable not just for individuals but also for organizations looking to instill a change and established the right work culture. The research-based teachings of this book make it a great choice.

4. Psycho-cybernetics

Psycho-cybernetics, written by cosmetic surgeon Maxwell Maltz, highlights the connection between your mind and body that can help you empower yourself to achieve your goals.

With the story-based narrative throughout the book, it is an easy-to-read book. There are given various exercises in the book that will alter what Maltz calls “your self-image.”


The book revolves around the various results you get in life that will change when you make a change in your own self-image.

As a cosmetic surgeon, Maltz noticed that a change in physical appearance often resulted in a changed self-image of the patient. The patient not only look different but where much more confident and self-assured, even if the change was almost unnoticeable. He also noticed that some people didn’t change much after surgery. This lead to Maltz’s postulate that a person’s self-image can be altered without actually changing anything physically.

The exercises highlighted in Psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz are meant for you to develop a new self-image. Maltz believes that by altering your self-image you can alter the results you get as well as increase your self-esteem and become much more confident. A shift in self-image enables you to achieve your goals rather than struggling in the face of various obstacles which you face on a day-to-day basis.

Thus, if you want to uplift your self-esteem and achieve your goals, this book provides you with the proper way to do so.

5. The Power of Habit

Habits are the bedrock of any successful individual. Only with the right habits can you achieve your goals and whatever you want to achieve in life.

Earl Nightingale Checklist Pdf

Earl Nightingale Checklist Pdf Free

In this book, the author helps you realize the power of such habits and how they can help you achieve success. Not only that, the author shares numerous examples of successful individuals as well as ordinary ones who changed their life with the help of their habits. Not only that, the author delves into the neuroscience behind habits. That is why; the power of habit is described with proper research and broken down at the level of neuroscience.

It means that once you go through this book, there will be no confusion as to how habits can help you achieve your goals. Thus, when you’re looking for the best success mindset books, these five can serve you well. They can help you transition from your current mindset into one which can help you succeed. Feeling depressed in the face of obstacles? Merely pick up one of these books, and you can benefit immensely from them.

6. Mind Hacking: How to Change Your Mind for Good in 21 Days

This book is written by Sir John Hargrave, a well-established entrepreneur, comedian, and author. The book explores the importance and effectiveness of exploiting the full potential of the mind, and achieving a state of balance. Through this book, you are going to re-write your thoughts and achieve your goals and objectives. The book advocates the change of habits in order to live a more meaningful life.

Sir John uses stories and analogies in order to explore each concept. The author uses scientific studies and explanations, but they are simplified in a way that any reader can understand. Overall, the book is very important in helping you shed your negative thoughts, be positive, and achieve your objectives. With this book, you are going to make great achievements in both the social and professional life.

7. Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander

The book discovers the secret of success by giving the analogy of the rhinoceros. The book recognizes that to be successful is a difficult thing. If you adopt the attitude of a rhinoceros, you are going to change your path to success, have the audacity, and be happier than before. The author contrasts a cow with a rhino stating that a cow does average things but a rhino makes a deliberate effort to follow a goal.

The book is so informative and interesting that some readers repeat reading the book in order to gain a deeper insight. The author uses humor as well as motivation in order to bring about change. The author stresses the benefits that come with a persistent person.

The book is appropriate for both adults and children. After reading the book, one is going to be able to change his or her spending habits, exercise, and diet. Readers reading this book report having a connection with Alexander.

8. Entrepreneurship: the practice and mindset

This book helps the students to explore learning beyond the classroom. This is because classroom learning is majorly a theoretical discourse. The main focus of the book is how best to learn, not from books, but through action. The authors lay a strong emphasis on the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills.

Topics covered by the book include the power of mindset, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, and building business models. Some universities have chosen this book in order to teach various courses on entrepreneurship. Similarly, the business people should as well consider this as their bible.

The book encourages the readers to create business opportunities in order to benefit other people. At the same time, the readers are encouraged to challenge themselves with difficult situations in order to accumulate experience. With this book, it is hoped, you are going to gain critical business knowledge.

Anyone can benefit from this book, whether one is taking business, engineering, or other courses. It takes the reader on a transformative journey.

9. The Magic of Thinking Big

A lot of people desire to achieve financial security, a rewarding life, a happy life, power, and influence. If you desire such things, then, this is the book to read. The book guides you on how to develop good habits such as the ability to save as much money as you can.

The book is very rich in guidance on family life, social life, and career, and helps you to learn how to get an optimal experience out of those. Some of the things that you learn include how to manage failure, and how to solve complex problems that are a barrier to your success.

The book states that you have to believe that you are going to succeed. If you believe so, then, you are going to succeed. Overall, the book is based on the premise that how you think, and what you do, will play a critical role in helping you achieve your dreams.

10. The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale is not merely a tool of wealth creation. Rather, it is a tool of purpose-driven work and a path to self-actualization. Nightingale was inspired by Napoleon Hill who stated that we become what we think. The most famous quote by Nightingale is, success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.

Earl Nightingale Checklist Pdf Download

The reader should note that a lot of parts in the book are, as a matter of fact, personal experiences by the author. For example, the author was brought up during the Great Depression, and he has personal narratives on its impact on the people. This makes the book more believable, and original. The author gives various quotes from prominent people such as Nelson Mandela.

Earl Nightingale Checklist Pdf Template

The book is a perfect example of books that can help you achieve accelerated prosperity. If you desire a transformation as soon as you can, then, this is the book that you should read.

10. Willpower Doesn’t Work: Discover The Hidden Keys to Success

Earl Nightingale Checklist Pdf

This book by Benjamin Hardy does not talk about changing one’s mindset directly but does so by debunking the idea of willpower. Many people believe that once they have the willpower to do their tasks, they would succeed. However, this book teaches its readers that willpower is nothing but a muscle that tires out. Instead, one should change focus from willpower to imagination. Here is where mindset comes to play. With the right mindset, one envisions and imagines goals of which you are motivated to take steps towards and achieve success. The book also teaches its readers that every crisis is an opportunity for greatness and improvement, which one can only see with the right mindset. Knowing what works and what doesn’t is definitely key in achieving and developing a positive and right mindset, and this read can help with that.

12. New Mindset, New Results

Like the title suggests, this book by Kerry Johnson MBA, Ph.D. talks about the effect of having a new mindset and how it brings new results. It tells its readers that mindset basically builds beliefs and behavior which would eventually lead a person toward their success. The reader learns the effects of having a growth mindset and how it creates opportunities to develop confidence, self-esteem, and discipline. New Mindset, New Results also talks about how this mindset would help one overcome and solve crises and problems that they would encounter over the course of one’s life. Aside from the personal side of the concept of mindset, this book also opens its readers to how “mindset” is being used by great leaders in society to achieve positive change and success. This book talks about the effects and opportunities of a positive mindset and is definitely a good read especially for someone in the journey of changing theirs.